Podcast Interviews
Reel Spirituality
Reel Spirituality Co-Director Elijah Davidson sat down with Fuller grad and filmmaker Avril Speaks (Producer), Ryan Dobson (Director/Writer), and Suzanne Watson (Producer) for a conversation.
Homebrewed Christianity
“I had a great conversation with the filmmakers behind the feature film Hosea – a modern-day retelling of the ancient biblical story through the eyes of its forgotten female character. The film is available on iTunes, Amazon, etc. and I definitely recommend you check it out.” –Tripp Fuller
Makers and Mystics: A Modern Adaptation
This Season Premiere Episode features a conversation with writer and director, Ryan Daniel Dobson of the feature film HOSEA, along with the film’s music composer, Michael Gungor of Gungor music and The Liturgists podcast. In this episode, I talk with Ryan and Michael about the film, their creative collaboration and why it is important to reconsider familiar spiritual narratives apart from inherited cultural interpretations.
Uncertain: A Filmmaker Tells an Old Story through a New Lens
Ryan Daniel Dobson is a filmmaker based in Los Angeles, the writer/director of the feature film HOSEA, the founder of REVIVED transformed vintage clothing, and producer/writer of the narrative podcast THE THICKET.After studying theology in college, Ryan turned his attention to the entertainment industry with a focus on marrying theological and philosophical concepts to powerful visual storytelling. In addition to HOSEA, he has written and directed several award-winning short films, featured at festivals around the world.
CBF Conversations: Hosea, a Modern-Day Film Adaptation
Conversations With Warrior Women
Suzanne Watson, Mom, Philanthropist and film producer, deep dives with me on adopting a black son, raising him during the Black Lives Matter movement, and the humbling nature of Motherhood. Suzanne tells us about her film Hosea, the modern day retelling of the ancient biblical story told through the eyes of the often forgotten female character. Hosea teaches us about love, redemption and hope, exactly what we need more of today.
Dismantle Podcast: The Proclaiming & Prescribing Problem
What does the church gain by rushing past the experience and perspective of a life lived? What's the problem with rushing to the point of the narrative? Ryan Daniel Dobson joins us to discuss this, as well as his new film "Hosea."
Hyphenated Life
We sit down with Ryan Daniel Dobson, the writer and director of the film Hosea, produced by Avril Speaks and Suzanne Watson, who also join us for this episode. Together we explore the expressive crossover of the sacred and the secular worlds of a cast of characters in modern day Oklahoma City and the Old Testament biblical story of the minor prophet, Hosea. The film itself is a modern-day retelling of this ancient story through the eyes of its forgotten female character, Gomer, Hosea's wife, represented by the character Cate in this inspiring film.
Popping Collars – Under the Stole: Hosea
Art inspired by the movie...
Articles & Reviews
Simon J Cross
Everyday Exiles
Pauline Center for Media Studies
More art inspired by the movie...
Original HOSEA-inspired artwork by Evelyn Quijas Godínez
Hosea Art Poster created by Julia Windom